Our Symbol

The Fishpin

The emblem of Shallaway is its fishpin – two fish, one of hand-painted fabric and the other smaller one of painted wood, both connected in a vertical alignment.

Each pin is hand-crafted by Kim Marshall, a Newfoundland and Labrador artist.

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The fishpin is an integral part of the performing uniform, symbolizing both the philosophy of the organization and membership in it:

• The fish represent the core of our Newfoundland and Labrador culture, to whose thriving future the organization is dedicated.

• The connection of each fish to the other symbolizes our core cultural value of community and the development of attributes necessary for building and sustaining community at every level of life, from the family to global relations.

• The juxtaposition of small to larger fish represents growth and development, and within that the importance of mentorship and independence/interdependence.

• The beauty and aestheticism of each pin represents our dedication to the achievement and proliferation of artistry.

• The identical form of each represents our unified purpose and the strength of the ensemble while the distinctive artistic design of each symbolizes the unique nature and contribution of each individual within the organization.

• The cyclical nature of pin ownership, being worn for a member’s life in the organization and then being given by that graduate to a new entering member, underscores the responsibility to nurture the growth of each successive generation in humanity and nature.

• The swimming fish represent the dynamic focus of the organization, moving its members out into the world to acquire experiences and insights while simultaneously alerting and informing the world about Newfoundland and Labrador.