Interested In Volunteering?

Step 1: Apply
Complete the online application.

Step 2: Interview
You will be invited to an in-person or phone interview to discuss your interests.

Step 3: Screening & Reference Checks
We will coordinate the required screenings (i.e. police checks).

Step 4: Orientation
You will be provided with an orientation to the organization (policies, online training and other administrative steps).

There are so many rewards to volunteering with Shallaway Youth Choir:

  • Have a profound impact on children and youth in your community.

  • Gain first-hand professional experience.

  • Make connections with professionals and community members.

  • Make a difference & have fun

4 Steps to Become a Volunteer


Volunteer positions available are listed below along with a brief description and time commitment.


– Registrar: This role is responsible for taking attendance at rehearsals and performance. Registrars attend the rehearsals and concerts with the choir.

– Board Member: Shallaway Youth Choir is governed by a community-based Board of Directors that oversees the business affairs of the organization and is responsible for all aspects of organizational operations and growth. The board meets every other month and participates in all major events.

 – Signature Fundraiser committee: Supports Shallaway’s annual fundraising gala projects by helping to secure items for the event and silent auction. The time commitment is usually 5-6 meetings to take place before the auction. The gala usually takes place in the spring.

 – Office Helpers: Assist the Shallaway staff in our office by answering the phone, making copies, sorting fundraising items, collating and data entry. Times are flexible.

 – Ushers: Assist patrons at concerts by performing duties such as collecting tickets, finding seats and handing programs. The time required is usually a four-hour shift and these opportunities are offered eight times a year. Volunteers may participate just once or as many times as they wish.

 – Chaperones: For this important and much-needed role, specific training is provided. Responsibilities include helping singers get to their designated areas during concerts and checking that hair, jewelry and uniforms are in compliance with the dress code. This also includes staying near the stage during the performance to help as necessary. Chaperones are needed throughout the year for concerts and special events.

For more information, please contact Shallaway by phone at 709.738.6792 or email at